Because of our current circumstances — the pandemic we're experiencing, the social distancing, plus the added stress and anxiety — now more than ever, we need compassion, wisdom, and persistence.
So, join me and others throughout our communities along a shared journey. We'll post a quote each day on our website and social media networks that you can share with your family, friends, and other community members. Plus, each day, you can download that quote to print out, doodle on, color, take a picture of, and upload to your favorite social media — share your artistic talents with others during our journey together.
If you are a visual or performance artist, storyteller, cheerleader, networker, influencer, designer, planner, or coordinator, join us to use your talents to help us share our journey with others and make it the best it can be!
Finally, let us know your thoughts and ideas: how else might we help to encourage greater compassion, wisdom, and persistence throughout our communities during these unusual and challenging times?
I’m looking forward to our journey together! Wishing you health, safety, and peace of mind!